Top Tips for Dealing with Caregiver Guilt

Senior woman smiling and feeling the wind on a beach

Family care providers give an awful lot of themselves to care for their loved ones, often abandoning their own desires and needs in the process. It may seem normal then, to presume that caregivers would feel very good about themselves, with a high level of self-worth and sense of purpose.

Nevertheless, the exact opposite may be more accurate. Dealing with caregiver guilt is widespread and many family caregivers wish they possessed more patience, the answer for all of their older loved one’s problems, or the ability to accomplish everything on their own without needing help. They may have set unachievable and unrealistic goals, which can contribute to:

  • Resentment
  • Feeling trapped
  • Not feeling good enough
  • Wanting to get away
  • Lack of pleasure in life
  • Heightened stress
  • Missing out on good quality time with a senior loved one
  • And much more

If you are dealing with feelings of family caregiver guilt, taking these steps can be incredibly freeing:

  1. Admit your feelings of guilt and also the particular reason behind it; for instance, “I feel guilty because I was impatient with Mom’s repetitive questions.”
  2. Keep a realistic attitude, knowing that all family caregivers are dealing with challenges. We all are human.
  3. Replace your internal “should have” dialogue with a far more positive slant: “It is difficult to answer the exact same questions repeatedly, and I am doing the very best that I am able to.
  4. Shift your focus to a positive outcome. Remind yourself of the joke you shared that made Mom laugh out loud this afternoon, or how much she enjoyed the dinner you prepared.
  5. Be sure to put aside routine time for soothing, enjoyable and rewarding activities: engaging in favorite hobbies and interests, journaling, spending time with friends, family and pets, etc.
  6. Follow a healthier lifestyle which includes nutritious foods, striving for 7 – 8 hours of sleep each night, exercising, giving up smoking and limiting alcohol consumption.
  7. Find a support partner. To be the best family caregiver you can be means ongoing, scheduled breaks from care to take care of yourself.

Reach out to Compassionate Care Home Health Services at 877.308.1212 for personalized home care in Traverse City and the surrounding areas that allows family caregivers time to destress and unwind, an integral aspect of effective senior care. We’re available according to your preferred schedule and routine, with as much or as little care as needed, up through around-the-clock care. Keep in mind that taking the best care of yourself helps you to provide the best care for the senior you love, and we are always on hand to assist!

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