Top 10 Ways Home Care Services Helps Seniors

Happy mature couple spending time together at home

It’s a fact: the overwhelming majority of today’s older adults would prefer to stay at home rather than moving to a nursing home or assisted living facility. And for good reason: in home care services help seniors by allowing them to continue to experience a sense of safety and security, with the comfort and familiarity of home and community. When frailty and other results of aging cause questions to arise about a senior’s ability to remain at home, professional home care agencies, like Compassionate Care Home Health Services, provide a viable alternative.

Consider these top ways that in home care services help seniors:

  1. Overall, in-home care leads to a higher satisfaction with life.
  2. Professional home care provides dignity, independence and comfort for seniors.
  3. Home care promotes healing. Studies show that patients heal more quickly at home rather than in a hospital or nursing home with a significantly lower chance of re-hospitalization during recovery.
  4. Home care supports and helps families stay together because it allows them to be more involved with the senior’s care.
  5. Home care offers personalized care customized to the needs of the family and the senior.
  6. Senior care services are provided one-on-one, offering more private attention and care than a nursing home or assisted living facility. There is never a need for the senior to wait her turn when care is needed.   
  7. An in-home caregiver can prepare healthy and nutritious meals that appeal to the senior and can also keep track of the amount of food eaten.
  8. A customized daily exercise program can be put in place, with the added security of a qualified professional being present.
  9. The benefit of the familiarity of home is indescribable, whether that includes just relaxing in a favorite chair or enjoying the daily cup of coffee in a familiar breakfast nook.
  10. Home care services help seniors by providing accompaniment and transportation to and from various appointments, social events or errands, allowing families more quality time together as well as additional peace of mind.

Compassionate Care Home Health Services provides personalized home care services that address each senior’s unique needs, allowing for enhanced safety and wellbeing, right in the comfort of home. Contact us online or call us at 877.308.1212 to learn more about our top-rated Mid-Michigan home care. For a full list of all of the communities where we provide care, please visit our Service Area page

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