Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease: A checklist of 10 common symptoms

Alzheimer’s Disease is the most common cause of confusion and affects five (5) million adults in the U.S. This disease not only causes people to have trouble thinking and understanding, it also causes very noticeable changes in behavior.

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10 Common Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease

The Alzheimer’s Association has developed a checklist of common symptoms we need to be aware of:

  1. Recent Memory Loss – It is normal to forget things periodically, then remember them later. Someone with Alzheimer’s may forget things more frequently, and not remember them later. They may ask the same question again and again, not remembering the answer that was given.
  2. Difficulty with Common Tasks – A person with Alzheimer’s may not only forget to serve a meal they just prepared, but may also forget they made the meal.
  3. Problems with Language – Someone with Alzheimer’s is likely to forget common words, or may substitute other words that don’t make sense in their sentence.
  4. Disoriented to Time and Place – The individual may get lost on their own street and be unable to find their way back home.
  5. Poor Judgment – A person with Alzheimer’s may completely forget about the child they are babysitting and leave the home to visit a neighbor. They may also dress inappropriately, wearing too many shirts for instance.
  6. Problems with Abstract Thinking – An individual with Alzheimer’s may not merely have trouble balancing their checkbook, but may completely forget what the numbers are for and what to do with them.
  7. Losing Things – Any of us are prone to misplace our keys from time to time. A person with Alzheimer’s is likely to put things in strange places: they may put an iron in the freezer or put a bracelet in the sugar bowl.
  8. Mood or Behavior Changes – Someone with Alzheimer’s may experience very sudden mood changes for no apparent reason.
  9. Personality Changes – Someone with Alzheimer’s may become extremely confused, irritable, suspicious or afraid.
  10. Lack of Initiative – An individual with Alzheimer’s may become so passive that they must be cued to perform even the most basic of tasks.

Additional information about the signs of Alzheimer’s Disease can be found at the Alzheimer’s Association website or by calling 1-800-438-4380.

You can also find more information about dealing with Alzheimer’s Disease on our website.

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