3 Easy Ways to Promote Independence in Old Age

Independence in Old Age

“Here, let me help you with that.”

“Don’t over-exert yourself!”

“I’ll handle that; you just sit and rest.”

How often have we made statements like these to senior loved ones, naturally with only the best intentions in mind? We want to do everything possible to assist our older loved ones, to keep them safe and to take care of them in the same way they took care of us when we were children. Nonetheless, there’s a concealed danger in trying to do too much for older adults and denying them the chance to experience as much independence in old age as possible.

Take, for instance, an elderly gentleman who devoted his entire life to taking care of his family, and just recently has entered into the initial stage of Alzheimer’s disease. Considering that he has continuously self-identified as a provider, becoming dependent on someone else to provide for him can be extremely hard and even feel demeaning. It is crucial to help him uphold the feeling of being needed by others, and there are a variety of approaches to accomplish just that. Try these guidelines from Compassionate Care Home Health Services:

  • Obtain guidance. Being provided the opportunity to share insight and wisdom is a great boost to an older person’s self-esteem, and there’s definitely a lot we can learn from older individuals. Come up with small ways throughout the day to ask the senior’s advice on how to make a perfect pot roast, how to stop the draft coming in under the windowsill, how to soothe a cranky baby, etc.
  • Ask for help. As in-home caregivers, it’s our job to help older individuals with a variety of needs, but we also understand the value of allowing seniors the chance to perform helpful responsibilities too. It doesn’t have to be a monumental task to maintain the feeling of being needed. Take note of the senior’s cognitive and physical limitations, and request his/her help appropriately. For instance, a person who is in a wheelchair can sit at the table and assist with cooking and baking related tasks, polish tableware, or sort hardware in a toolbox.
  • Vocally show your respect. Although you may believe the person understands how you feel, it’s a wonderful feeling to be told how much we mean to one another. Take time to state particular ways the senior has assisted you somehow and how much you appreciate that help, from learning to ride a bike or drive a car, to parenting skills, to the ability to draw or paint or carve wood. Be honest in your compliments, and say them often, from your heart.

A trained in-home caregiver, such as those at Compassionate Care Home Health Services, is adept in maintaining the sensitive balance between supplying care for older individuals and enhancing independence in old age. Contact us to learn more about our top-rated elder care in Midland, MI and the surrounding communities.

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