8 Common Myths about Heart Attack Prevention

There are lots of myths when it comes to your heart, and believing them can be dangerous to your health. Rumor and myths get started in the same way… at some point in time, someone stated their opinion as a fact and other people believed it and “spread the word.” Don’t believe everything you hear, especially when it comes to your health. Below are 8 common myths about heart attack prevention and the TRUTH about their tales.

1.  You don’t have to take your cholesterol medication and blood pressure medications when your readings are good. Never stop taking medications without talking with your doctor first. If you stop taking your medications, you may experience marked elevations in your blood pressure and heart rate and show no symptoms. Higher rates can lead to a greater chance of triggering a stroke or heart attack.

2.  My weight is ideal so I don’t have to watch what I eat. Just because your weight is under control does not mean that you can’t have blockages in your arteries. It also doesn’t mean you can’t suffer with high blood pressure or cholesterol – or diabetes. While you may be less likely to suffer with these health issues, you could have a genetic predisposition to them.

3.  It takes too long to keep my heart healthy. It is recommended that you get at least 30 minutes of cardio exercise at least 4 times a week. This exercise should be comfortable and should become a habit like washing your hands.

4.  Heart Disease only affects the elderly. Actually, heart disease starts at a very young age. Blockages have been found in teens. It is important that disease be identified in its earliest stages. Be sure to have your blood pressure and cholesterol levels checked early.

5.  If a heart attack is coming, the symptoms will warn me. If you wait for symptoms, you could wait too long. One in three people who suffer a heart attack die before they get help. By the time many people begin to feel symptoms; they already have a blocked artery.

6.  To work on heart health, all I have to worry about is a low-fat diet. The fats you want to avoid are trans fats. These fats are the fats found in food such as potato chips and cookies. However, there are good fats that are healthy for you and will help you keep in balance, like those found in fish and olive oil.

7.  I can’t have a heart problem because the pain isn’t severe enough. Half of the people who suffer a heart attack die before they get to an emergency room because. People still think that you must be in severe pain, clutching your chest if it is a heart attack. In fact, many heart attacks start slowly and can last for hours, even days. If you show any signs at all, don’t stay home and treat them with antacids or wait for them to pass, get help. Better to be safe than sorry.

8.  I can’t get my stress under control and stress can lead to heart problems. Most times, emotional stress cannot be avoided. However, stress can become a learning experience and can be released in a healthy way. When stress is not released, it can lead to behaviors that can cause heart issues, such as smoking, drinking, and overeating, which can lead to heart disease. When stress is released in a healthy way, via exercise, for example, it can lead to a healthier heart. It is imperative that stress be treated, but even more imperative that it be treated in a healthy manner.

Learning the realities and ignoring the myths about heart attack prevention can keep you out of harm’s way. Take care of yourself and your heart, talk with your doctor, pay attention to your body, and educate yourself on keeping your heart healthy. Contact Compassionate Care Home Health Services, the top-rated providers of in-home health in Traverse City, MI and nearby areas, for more helpful resources and professional in-home care assistance.

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